The aim is to encourage the keeping of a journal. This will be done in two ways; by showing alternate forms a journal can take, and examples of how I draw on the references (inspiration) that surrounds me.  

I will do the seminar as an illustrated talk, including a video. There will be opportunity for interaction during and after the talk.  

After showing examples of my own journals I will share alternate forms of journaling:  

  • A blog (including the use of tags/labels)  

  • The photo gallery on a cell phone (Google photos)  

  • Pinboards (Collections of objects)  

Examples of using references will include:  

  • An animated video which is based on Zulu rubber cutting, for sandal making  

  • Objects and prints made from the above Zulu patterns  

  • Jewellery objects made from personal references   

Keeping the journal personal

Lecture by Dr Chris de Beer




Art and Fashion