anOther Portrait Painting.
Workshop with Marion Bösen, Nic Human & Patricia Lambertus
Workshop with Heike Kati Barath, Ulrike Isenberg & Michael Weis
augmented reality.
Workshop with Kiara Gounder and Lee Scott
projecting mapping
Workshop with Lorenz Potthast

art in public space.
Uwe Jonas / Lichtenberg Studios
Heinrich Vogeler & Caspar David Friedrich
Annette Geiger / Lecture & Guided Tours: Künstlerkolonie Worpswede and Hamburger Kunsthalle.
mini lectures.
Marion Bösen, Nic Human, Lee Scott, Jess Bothma & Ernest Ngcobo, Anastasiia Guzenkova, Patricia Lambertus, Ulrike Isenberg

Excursions & Studio Visits
Excursion to the Hamburger Kunsthalle, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe & Hafen City
Excursion to the Barkenhoff, Heinrich-Vogeler-Museum, Haus im Schluh, Worpsweder Kunsthalle & Grosse Kunstschau
Edeltraut Rath.
Studio Visit to the artist Edeltraut Rath