Painting, Drawing and the Digital in Public Space

University of the Arts Bremen / Durban University of Technology.



Challenges and Artists Books.

Workshop with Marion  Bösen, Patricia Lambertus and Jo Voysey  


Moments to Exchange.

Stop Motion Workshop with Ulrike Isenberg, Jeanne Shange Kalala and Heike Kati Barath

Blurring the Virtual and the Physical.

Intervention in Public Space Workshop with Lorenz Potthast and Dane Knudsen



Keeping the Journal Personal.

Talk with Chris de Beer



Talk with Nic Human

Art and Fashion.

From Analog to Digital Space. Talk with Kiara Gounder

Studio Visits


Franziska Bauer.

Studio Visit Bremen, Güterbahnhof / Design


Vincent Kück und Florian Witt.

Studio Visit Bremen, Güterbahnhof / Painting and Drawing

Sphephelo Mnguni.

Studio Visit Durban / Painting and Collage

book binding


Making my own book.

With Marion Bösen and Ulrike Isenberg

About Us


Lecuturers, Students, Organization & Support.



Painting, Drawing and the Digital in Public Space