Site-Specific interventions blurring the virtual and the physical  

led by Lorenz Potthast and Dane Knudsen  

In this Workshop  you  will create site-specific installations, involving your own medium of choice (such as drawing, painting, graphics or photography) and displaying them through digital projections.  

We will look for interesting and inspiring places at both universities in Durban and Bremen and think of ways that we can add a digital layer to the physically existing surroundings. You can than create a series of images in the media and tools you feel comfortable with, or remix existing footage. We will digitalize your works and, using Adobe Photoshop, learn how to create little animated loops and to distort the images so that they fit into the locations you have selected. Afterwards we will look into what you need to know when working with projectors and setup your installations. This will be further digitalized by documenting it with photos and videos so that it can be shared on the Internet and in Social Media.  



